Goodrich & O'Brien Lakeshore Association
Calendar of Events
O'Brien Launch
Meeting Minutes
Officers & Bylaws
Photo Gallery
History Project
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Spring 2009 Newsletter

Board Officers & Members:
Co Chairs: Mike Flynn, and Mike Rancour
Secretary: Loyal Meech
Treasurer: Dan Radunz
O’Brien Members: George Chuba, and Bob Mattson
Goodrich Members: Kathy Royce, and Miles Johnson

2009 GOLA Meeting Dates
All meetings are on Saturdays at the Crosslake American Legion club.
May 23, 10:00 A.M. – Social Meeting
July 11, 10:00 A.M. – Business Meeting
September 5, Noon – Pork Chop Lunch, 1:00 P.M. - Business Meeting Rather than a potluck lunch, we will be supporting the Legion Pork Chop Barbecue this year. You are encouraged to bring a desert to share.

O’Brien Launch Site
The old launch site between the lakes will be open on two Saturdays:
May 9 from 10:00 A.M. – Noon
May 23 from Noon – 2:00 P.M.

Welcome Wagon
Lynette Bourcy is our Association “welcome wagon” representative. Please let someone on the board know when new neighbors move in. Lynette has tote bags filled with goodies for our new lake residents.

GOLA Website
The lakeshore association website can be located at The hosting service is being provided by Crosslake Communications at a reduced rate. We plan to make the site the primary communication vehicle for GOLA. Bring your ideas for content to the spring meeting.

GOLA Directory The association secretary is looking to update and publish a new GOLA Directory but needs the correct information. Please see Loyal Meech with any additions, updates, or corrections.

Exotic Weeds
Milfoil continues to spread to lakes throughout Minnesota. Remember to remove any weeds that cling to the bottom of your boat, motor or trailer. Remind your friends to do this each time they launch a boat.

Annual Membership Dues
Did you ever wonder what the four digit number on the upper line of your mailing label was all about? It represents the last year for which our records indicate dues to the association were paid. We encourage everyone with property on the lake to join our association. The last page of the newsletter has a form to submit with your annual dues. Dues are $20 per year per household. Please make your checks out to GOLA and mail to PO Box 674, Crosslake, MN 56442-0674 or see Dan Radunz at the spring meeting.

Shoreline Restoration
Good shoreline practice can help keep the quality of our lakes high. Bob Mattson has taken a class in shoreline restoration. At the class, he received a significant amount of informational material. Call him, if you would like to borrow the material or chat about shoreline care.

Water Quality Testing
Complete testing for water quality continues to be done on a regular basis. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, PH, and specific conductivity are done at two meters of depth. A secchi disk reading is also done to measure water clarity. The team of Bob Mattson and Arnie Berg is testing O’Brien. Bob Stock and Miles Johnson are testing Goodrich. We would like to get another team trained for each lake. If you can help, please contact one of the team members. Dates for testing are Monday mornings on May 18, June 15, July 20, August 17, & September 21.

Weed Testing
Professional Lake Management will do the second weed testing of both O’Brien and Goodrich lakes this spring. The results will be announced at one of our GOLA meetings.

Lake O’Brien Water Level
The issue with the Dam for Lake O’Brien has been permanently resolved to establish a lake level at 1234.8 feet of elevation.

This Year’s Top Priorities
Your GOLA Board has established the following goals for this year:
1. Significantly raise active membership
2. Make the GOLA web site our active communication tool
3. Get a public boat ramp open on Lake O’Brien
4. Develop a specific plan, with funding, for weed control and eradication on both lakes
5. Develop a process to insure all lakeshore homeowners know what they can individually do to help control lake weeds

Crosslake Library
The new Crosslake Library officially opened April 30, 2007.
Boat Launching
Dave Ketcher (692-1599) and Tom Huesman (692-2198) are available for a hire to launch boats. Dave also does Lawn Service