Goodrich & O'Brien Lakeshore Association
Calendar of Events
Lake Water Quality
O'Brien Water Level
O'Brien Launch
Meeting Minutes
Officers & Bylaws
Board Meeting Minutes
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O'Brien Co-Chair
Goodrich Co-Chair

O'Brien Board Member
O'Brien Board Member
Goodrich Board Member
Goodrich Board Member
"H" Peterson
Mark Erickson
Jamie Weise
Sue Borne

David Anderson
Dan Menden
Steve Hoch
Liz Luskey



Goodrich / O'Brien Lakeshore Association Constitution and By-Laws

Article 1 - Name
The name of this organization shall be Goodrich and O'Brien Lakeshore Association.

Article II - Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the general welfare of the property owners and residents of Goodrich and O'Brien Lakeshore, especially with respect to the natural resources associated with Goodrich and O'Brien.

Article III - Membership
Membership in the Association shall be available to ll property owners of Goodrich and O'Brien shores and such as may be interested in the improvement, development, and conservation of Goodrich and O'Brien Lakes.

Article IV - Dues
A membership fee of $20.00 shall be paid by each member. A husband and wife shall be considered one membership for dues and membership fee purposes: however - providing they are members in good standing during the fiscal year ending August 31st - they each shall have one vote at meetings and shall be counted individually for quorum and other membership purposes. A delinquent member may be reinstated upon payment of all back dues or a new Membership Fee.

Article V - Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from September 1 to August 31.

Article VI - Meetings There shall be three regular membership meetings each year. One meeting shall be held the weekend of Memorial Day, one meeting shall be held weekend of July 4th, and one the weekend nearest to Labor Day. Officers and Directors shall be nominated at the July meeting and annual election shall be held at the Labor Day meeting. Annual dues shall be paid on or before the Labor Day meeting. Voting in absentia is acceptable.

Article VII - Officers
The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President (or two Co-Chairs), Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be elected for a term of two years and shall take office immediately following the election at the Labor Day meeting.

Article VIII - Directors
Effective September 1, 1971, there shall be a Board of Directors composed of four members, two of which shall be from O'Brien Lake and two from Goodrich Lake. The term of office shall be two years. One member from each lake shall be elected each year. Vacancies on the Board may be filled by the Board until the next annual election. The President and Vice President (or Co-Chair) terms shall be staggered so that they do not expire the same year. The Treasurer and Secretary offices shall also be staggered. To maintain the staggering elections may be held for 1-year terms. The President upon leaving office, will be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for a period of two years. A Co-Chair upon leaving office, will be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for a period of one year.

Article IX - Steering Committee
The Officers and Directors of the Association will assume the duties of the Steering Committee to carry on the business of the Association between meeting and to carry out the decisions of the Association at any special or regular meeting. The Steering Committee shall have the authority to appoint special committees, either from their own membership or from the general membership of the Association. For the Purpose of carrying out any projects or decisions of the Steering Committee or the general membership at any general or special meeting. The President shall act as chairman of the Steering Committee and in his/her absence the Vice President or any member of the Steering Committee may elect.

Article X - Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Association may be called by the officers and directors or by the written request of ten (10) members. Twenty percent (20%) of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

Article XI - Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any meeting other Associating by a majority of the members present. Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing to the Officers and Board of Directors at least two weeks previous to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered by the membership.

Revised September 1970

Revised July 1971 (Board of Directors change)

Revised July 1993 (Membership dues change to $10.00 and start of Emergency Fund)

Revised September 1995 (Eliminate Memorial Day meeting)

Revised September 2000 (Outgoing President ex-officio board member)

Revised August 2002 (Added option of Co-Chairs instead of President and Vice President)

Revised July 2004 (Staggered terms for President, Vice-President or co-chairs. Staggered terms for Secretary and Treasurer. Outgoing Co-Chair ex-officio board member for 1 year).

Revised June 2008: Dues increased to $20.

Revised July 2016: Change spring social meeting to a regular meeting.

Revised July 2021: Eliminate Emergency Fund.