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Minutes of GOLA Board Meeting August 24, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Mike Rancour at ~9:05 am.
Attendees: Miles Johnson, Kathy Royce, H Peterson
The agenda for the fall GOLA meeting was reviewed:
Introduce Board Members
Welcome Property Owners
Approve Summer Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer (currently held by Mike Story)
O’Brien Co-Chair (currently held by H Peterson, will accept nomination)
Goodrich Board Member (currently held by Miles Johnson, will accept nomination)
O’Brien Board Member (currently held by Dan Menden)
Announce Mary Shimp’s party. 5-8 Saturday, 3109 Bonnie Lakes Road.
Old Launch Openings
Saturday, 9/1 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturday, 10/19 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
New Launch Update
Fish Stocking Update
Stocking was done in 2012. Next stocking will be done in 2014. Can donate at any time.
New Business
Lake Monitoring History (if Mike gets time to compile)
US Forestry DVD: “Preserving Favorite Places”
Pork Chop Lunch Reminder
Also discussed sending an email notice of the meeting and party to membership. H will draft and send to
Mike for distribution to association.
Kathy will check if we still owe for any beaver trapping.
The meeting was adjourned at ~9:55 am.
Minutes submitted by Mike Rancour.