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Minutes of GOLA General Meeting July 2, 2016
GOLA Meeting Minutes – September 3, 2022
Board Introductions
New Residents: None
Old Meeting Notes from July 2, 2022: Approved/2nd/Final
Treasurers Report (Approved/2nd/Final)
Fiscal Year Ended on 8/31/2022
General Fund: $10,717.19
Fish Fund: $5341.56
Old Business:
Trail/Sideway Project
Update: Jane/Mike have been in contact with Crow Wing County, Crosslake, Fairfield Township.
Crow Wing County stated they do not have jurisdiction. Tim Bray works in the engineer’s office
with the County. He owns property around the lakes (unsure which lake).
Crosslake planning/zoning mtg on Tuesday 9/6 @4pm. Jane/Mike on the agenda to start the discussion
with Crosslake.
Fairfield Township planning/zoning mtg on 10/11 @5pm. Jane/Mike on the agenda to start the s
discussion with the township.
Looking for grants. Doing more research on this topic. Trail to more than likely be along the
road, not be in the woods.
Meeting summary of both the Fairfield Township/Crosslake meetings would be helpful for those that
would not be able to be at the meeting – stating the information gathering.
Fish Stocking
Made our goal of $5,000.
Permit will be applied for this month (September), stocking to happen in October.
Date to be determined and will be announced.
Garage Sale
Lynnette will be stepping down from running the garage sale.
The board is looking for one person to help run the garage sale event for 1 time a year.
If no one comes forward, then the GOLA sponsored garage sale will no longer exist.
From the floor: The garage sale needs to be done earlier in the year.
If you are in Fairfield Township, email the clerk (on the website) – they have a person on their
staff that is licensed to remove beavers.
If you are in the City of Crosslake, try to call the DNR.
Provide a list of where the problems areas/addresses of where the issues are, they can be assessed by Brent Hemly.
GOLA will pay $50 a beaver.
Legally cannot start until the end of October, unless there is a permit pulled (which is free)
can start early October. Email: Trapper.brent@gmail.com
New Business
There has been a lot of purple Loosestrife growing a long the shoreline. Need to be careful how you
pull it up due to the seeds & it is spreading more. Needs to be pulled up by the roots & burned.
Each plant can produce 2+ million seeds.
Suggestion from the floor:
Send a $500 donation to the Loon Center. Motion on the floor for a 1st, 2nd & approved.
Mike R: President Co-Chair on Goodrich – celebrated 20 years on the GOLA board.
Will be retiring, need a need volunteer to become the co-chair from Goodrich.
Nomination from the floor: Mark Erickson
Mark Erickson accepted the nomination.
Goodrich Board Member – For Bob Stock’s open position
Steve Hoch volunteered via email to H. Peterson
2 year term to fulfill the current term
Nomination Motioned/Approved
Liz Luskey volunteered
1 year term to fulfill the current term
Nomination Motioned/Approved
Jamie Weise offered to continue
All four nominations elected to their respective positions.
Motion for Adjournment/Approved
Meeting Adjourned
Submitted by Jamie Weise