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Minutes of GOLA General Meeting July 2, 2016
GOLA Meeting July 6, 2019
Introduction of Current Board Members (In Attendance):
Mike R.
Harold P.
Sue B.
Jamie W.
Steve C.
Bob S.
Old Business:
Meeting Notes from Memorial Weekend Meeting: Approved
o Fairfield Township is helping to remove beavers and damage.
o OBrien sighting close to the sandbar
o May need to shut down Bonnie Lakes road for a short time due to beaver construction.
o GOLA paid for two beavers to be removed earlier this season.
Lake Survey: Completed by DNR in June 2019
o Nets were out to survey fish, lake clarity, etc.
o Goodrich survey was done in 2018
GOLA Directory
o Working on addresses, stalled out
o Looking for volunteers to help with the directory
New Business:
Increased Inspections (Watercraft at both launches)
o Letter has been created to the County to request funding for support
o Rules for boat launches/watercrafts are at the DNR website.
Lost Kayak (Yellow)
o See Peg Boog (South of the Sandbar) it is sitting on her beach
Meeting Location & Times
Will probably continue at the DNR building
September Meeting: Will be discussing re-elections
o Harold- Co-President
o Miles- Board Member- Goodrich
? Mike Erickson may volunteer to take over Miles position on the board if he chooses not to run again.
o Sue - Treasurer
Garage Sale
Email/Talk to Lynette for any details/questions or to get on the map
Dates: 7/18-7/20
Financials: Summary of Accounts to be approved:
2018 Annual Report
TOTAL: $9754.05
General Fund: $7633.40
Emergency Fund: $1224.65
Fish Fund: $896.00
2018 GOLA Annual Financial Report: Approved 7/6/19
Misc Items Items:
Goodrich Lake Home for Sale
John & Mary Scholl, 37567 Bonnie Lakes Road
Rental Properties
Spring Meeting (Memorial) Motion Made: All rentals need to have a document posted in their
rental of lake details, phone numbers, boat operations, etc. Would like to have cards
Harold is working on a document to share across both lakes.
o Harold is looking for assistance with reviewing the document from the group.
Add GOLA website on the document.
Add this document onto the GOLA website once finalized.
Bob Stock talked to Chief of Fire, He is willing to come to a meeting as a guest speaker
He will see if he is available for the September meeting as a guest speaker to discuss emergency
protocols for both OBrien and Goodrich lakes.
Close of Meeting 7/6/19
29 People In Attendance
Submitted by Jamie Weise