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Minutes of GOLA General Meeting July 2, 2016
GOLA Spring Meeting 2019
May 25, 2019
Introduction of Current Board Members Present:
Mike R.
Harold P.
Sue B.
Jamie W.
Old Business:
End of Year Fiscal Year Balance Reviewed
Beaver: Goodrich low land area. Fairfield Township came, removed the beaver and dam.
Buoys: Ready to be installed for the year. New anchors for 2019 season.
Bears: Watch bird feeders, possibly remove for Spring season.
Meeting Location:
July: Proposed 11am meeting at the Church OR a different meeting location for 9am.
o Space location TBD.
o Voted for earlier by present attendees. GOLA to determine. If weather is nice,
we could go to the pavilion in town center.
September 2019 Meeting: To be held at the DNR building.
Fall Meeting Minutes
Motion from the floor to approve September 2018 Fall minutes.
Approved by All
Will be reviewed and approved for July 2019 meeting
Garage Sale dates for 2019 Season:
Running garage sale logistics: Lynette B
Any questions/more information
July 18-20, 2019
GOLA Directories:
2017 was the last updated directory.
Board looking for a volunteer to help create a new directory
Decontamination Station
If you have someone bringing their boat into one of our lakes, please encourage them to use
the decontamination station that is provided by the County.
There are posted hours and you can also call ahead and make an appointment.
MAISRC website Sylvia volunteered to look into going.
Contact the Country to have a staffed person checking boats at launches (Through the County)
Motion Desired: To have GOLA look into writing a letter for a motion to have additional County support
to monitor the boat launches (motion made by: Cathy Svihel)
Fish Fund:
Depleted at this point because the lake was stocked in 2018.
Volunteered donation in both OBrien and Goodrich.
Association collects the funds, we stock every other year. Next stocking will be in 2020.
We put in approximately $2000 worth each time, divided by both lakes.
Exceptional year in 2018, we put in $2700 worth.
Association Involvement:
Election will take place in the Fall of 2019.
Rental Properties
Motion Made: All rentals need to have a document posted in their rental of lake details,
phone numbers, boat operations, etc. Would like to have cards
Doug has an older copy and was asked to supply them to Harold to review and get additional ones created.
Sylvia- Suggestion: Take a book, leave a book nook idea for having details around the lake etiquette rules, etc.
Septic Tank Regulation Change for Crosslake City Limits:
All people that live in the city limits of Crosslake
Change of septic tank ordinance
Will happen in the next 12 months
Add a paragraph to current ordinance requiring pumping at least 1 every 3 years.
Pumper will have to write up a report and submit to the City of Crosslake.
If you do not follow these new rules, people will be subject to a fine.
State Land:
For anyone that chooses to hike the State land, please pick up any garbage you may see.
Submitted by Jamie Weise
May 25, 2019