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Minutes of GOLA General Meeting July 11, 2015

9/5/15 GOLA meeting

Board members in attendance: George Chuba, Mike Rancour, H Peterson, Kathy Royce, Miles Johnson

11:06 am called to order

New property owners on Obrien, introduction

Business items:

7/11 summer meeting minutes: approved

Treasurer report: Current balances, WIFF Fund $1207.18 General $7306.93 Emergency $2021.64

Annual election:
Obrien co-chair: H Peterson-approved
Treasurer: Mike Story-approved
Goodrich board member: Miles Johnson-approved
O'Brien board member: Dan Menden-approved
George Chuba: board member, George resigned, position open to those interested

Old Business:
Chris Boxmeyer took over fish stocking, thanks to him.

Rentals are increasing on the lakes, would like to keep awareness to protect our lake, provide info on rules and laws to hand off to renters along with courtesy on our lakes. H and Mike Rancour are composing a list of info to include in directory and to provide to those who rent.

Water testing: Miles on Goodrich, Matt and Jeff Balmer on Obrien
O'Brien clarity: May 1st 22ft and Aug is 17 ft
Goodrich clarity: 10 ft on cloudy days, 12 ft on clear days
Miles Johnson is looking for back up clarity tester for Goodrich

New Business:
Goodrich and Obrien informational sign: Bob Matson looking for someone to take care of it and maintain it

Can we put up a slow no wake buoy by O'Bbrien sandbar? Board will look into purchasing one, get a sign for next season

Bonnie lakes wood sign: taken down for construction and will be put up this weekend by Steve Chuba

Miles: Mary Clemens (218-692-2628) has been looking into getting mail boxes at end of each driveway. It appears requirements are satisfied on the lakes to have mailboxes at end of each driveway. Contact Mary if you are interested in this. Beaver issues on Obrien again: can only trap in fall, will contact the trapper.

Meeting adjourned at 11:42

Submitted by Sara Story