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Minutes of GOLA General Meeting July 11, 2015

Board members in attendance: Kathy Royce, Mike Story, Sara Story, H Peterson, and Mike Rancour

9:07 meeting call to order

Introductions of board members and reminder to pay dues

Working on new directory before fall meeting to give to new members

Approved Sept 2014 meeting minutes

GOLA account balances as of 7/10: $7028.50 general $997.18 fish, $2021.64 emergency

2014 fiscal year report: approved

Reminder of open positions and elections for next meeting in fall: co-chair on O'Brien, treasurer, Goodrich board member, O'Brien board member

Reminder that the public launch is open on O'Brien

Fish stocking: Thanks to Chris Boxmeyer who stocked the fish last fall--next stocking will be fall of 2016.

Idea from floor: Ask DNR about stocking the lakes now that O'Brien has a launch. Maybe inquire about fish other than walleye.

Concern from floor: Boats getting close to docks and going fast--worried about erosion of lakeshores. Law states that boats must remain 150 feet from shore when making wakes.

Water testing on lakes: 2 types of testing are performed on the lakes. H Peterson said Balmers are interested in testing for O'Brien and a meeting will be organized with them and Chris Boxmeyer to get the testing planned. Looking for a volunteer to help Miles Johnson with testing on Goodrich.

Mike Rancour provided handouts for cty rd 36 construction updates.

Fall meeting: Saturday of Labor Day weekend: 11 am and pork chop lunch at legion after the meeting

Wildlife: bear sightings, triple fawns over on goodrich. Mike Story removed Beaver dam on O'Brien this past week. Board needs to look into beaver trapping for both lakes.

New business from floor:

Would like to have member directory list finalized by August and hoping to include new lake residents.

Request to see if we can get another milfoil survey performed on the lakes. Mike Rancour said he needs to re-establish contact with WAPOA to ask about this. Please be aware of purple milstrife and pull from roots when found.

Meeting adjourned at 9:41 am