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General Meeting June 6, 2013
9:09 am called to order
Board members in attendance: Mike Rancour, Mike Story, Sara Story, Dan Menden, Harold Peterson, Miles Johsnon, George Chuba
Minutes from fall meeting: motion approved to waive the reading of the minutes and minutes approved.
O'Brien launch: Mike Rancour read the update from Mr. Clute of DNR. There is no progress on engineering the design but we can keep
checking back as they may have updates at some point. Mike will update the web site with the DNR update. No questions from the floor
on this topic.
The fall meeting will be at 11 am on Saturday of Labor day weekend. The legion has a pork chop feed at noon, feel free to stick around
after the meeting to help support the legion.
No old business
New Business:
Sharon Kaiser passed away and her family has no plans to continue the boat storage at this time. There are other storage options in town,
such as Crosslake Storage.
Question on the sand pit on Bonnie Lakes Road. Wondering who owns this and the story behind it. It is believed to be owned by Little Yukon
business in Crosslake.
Kathy Svihel: Fish won't be restocked in 2013 but will be 2014. Doug Svihel would like someone else to take over stocking the fish. Doug
is willing to meet to go over what is done.
Harold Petersoon asked what work is being done on Bonnie Lakes Road. It is believed that the Crosslake section of road will be resealed this
week. Cty Rd 36 will be redone in 2015.
Water testing: Miles has been doing it and has the equipment but we would like a back up for Miles if possible. The testing is done every
3rd Monday or Sunday evening. The results go to WOPOA and then eventually to DNR.
Purple loosestrife was in the bay of O'Brien but there are no more signs since the DNR released the beetles.
Mike and Sara Story put in a new bulletin board--feel free to post as needed. There are tacks and plastic sleeves on the bulletin board for
public use.
Financial balances: $2021.24 emergency, $1101.86 fish fund, $5631.05 general fund
Follow up question on the study that was done on the lakes a while back. Where are the results posted? The results are in the books that Mike Rancour
brought. The results are listed by quandrants and include what types of vegetation. They did not find anything invasive and nothing that was of
concern. No current action needed of the lake association based on the study, however, we all should practice good standards for maintaining water
Question on nitrates level in O'Brien: No one was really sure about the nitrates, however, O'Brien has been in the top of the lists for clear
lakes. The information on clarity is posted on the DNR web site if interested.
Comment about Asian carp and if they come north of the cities, we should be aware of this. There are 4 species and they are moving north.
There is one baby loon on O'Brien on the nest in the south bay.
Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved at 9:36 am.
Submitted by Sara Story