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Minutes of GOLA General Meeting July 7, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 by Goodrich Co-Chairman Mike Rancour.

There were 36 members signed in.

Board members in attendance were: Kathy Royce and Miles Johnson (Goodrich Board Members), George Chuba and Dan Menden (O’Brien Board Members), Dwight Seward (Treasurer), and Mike Rancour.

Reading of the minutes of the Spring 2012 GOLA Meeting was waived and the minutes were approved as posted to the website and circulated at the meeting.

Dwight Seward stated that the balances in the GOLA accounts as of 6/30 were: Checking $5,549.26, Walter Israel Fund $1,336.59, and Emergency Fund $1,755.40.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to loan funds from general fund to the Walter Israel Fund for stocking this fall if the Walter Israel Fund is short of the $2000 stocking goal.

Mike Rancour provided information on the Minnesota State Legislature representatives for the GOLA Area.

Representative Larry Howes (R) District: 04B
491 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155
651-296-2451 or 800-706-9962

Senator John Carlson (R) District 04
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Capitol Building, Room 320
St. Paul, MN 55155-1606

A motion was made, seconded and approved for GOLA to pay the WAPOA dues this year.

There was discussion about the fall meeting and a motion was approved to have the meeting at 10:30 and then to support the Legion by attending the pork chop lunch after the meeting. This is in lieu of a potluck lunch this year.

A letter from David L. Clute, Assistant Area Supervisor, Minnesota DNR, with the status of the DNR boat launch was read. The DNR did purchase a lot on O’Brien. Demolition of the existing buildings will likely take place this fall. Other site work will probably occur in 2013. Mike Rancour read a draft of a proposed letter to the DNR. The letter asks for more detail on the design and construction process. In addition suggestions for invasive species control are included. A minor modification to the letter was suggested and then the letter was approved for sending to the DNR. The full text of both letters will be posted to the website.

Jon Bjorkquist communicated some information about road repair on the road between the lakes. The culvert connecting the lakes needs to be repaired. This will require the road to be shut down during the repair. They are expecting to do this work in mid-August, if the DNR permit can be obtained. They are planning to put up signs ahead of the closure and will send an email to Mike Rancour to forward to the GOLA membership.

Jon also took some questions with regard to EMT and ambulance service. He took an action to investigate how ambulance service contracts were awarded. The concern from the membership was that parts of the lakes are serviced from Crosslake for ambulance and parts from Crosby. The arrival of an ambulance from Crosby can take significantly longer. It appears that all parts O’Brien and Goodrich are serviced from Crosslake for Fire and EMT.

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved at 10:20.

These minutes are respectfully submitted by Mike Rancour.