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General Meeting May 26, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Mike Rancour at approximately 9:15. This meeting was not a standard Spring Social Meeting.
It had been discussed at the fall meeting and notification was included in the spring newsletter that this would be a business
meeting with discussion of the O’Brien launch site scheduled.
44 people signed in.
Officers in attendance were: Kathy Royce, George Chuba, Dan Menden, Miles Johnson, Dwight Seward and Mike Rancour.
New residents present: Doug & Linda Calhoun, 36938 Goodrich Lane.
Dwight Seward reported the following balances as of 4/30/12:
General Checking: $3,330.69, Walter Israel Fund: $1,336.48, and Emergency Fund $1,755.26.
There was a motion made by Doug Svihel and seconded: “If the Walter Israel fund is short of the $2,000 for the fall 2012 planned
activity, then the balance to achieve $2000 will be funded with a loan from the GOLA general fund.” The motion was approved.
Doug Svihel reported that he has been coordinating the Walter Israel activity for a number of years and is interested in handing
it off to someone. Dan Radunz volunteered to shadow the activity this fall. Doug gave an overview of the activity as 1) Submitting
the DNR permit request, 2) Getting the check and delivering it to the vendor, 3) Being on-site to monitor the vendor. Miles Johnson
reported that in previous years the list of contributors to the Walter Israel Fund was included in the spring newletter. The amount
contributed was not listed, just contributors name. This will be planned to resume in 2013.
Todd Daniels reported that there is Purple Loosestrife appearing again around the lakes. The DNR has studied the use of beetles to
control it and it appears to be very effective. (A link to the DNR webpage has been added to the GOLA website “Other Links” page)
O’Brien Launch Discussion:
Mike Rancour read the an email dated 3/2/12 from David L. Clute to George Chuba
Morning George,
There has been an offer made to a willing seller, and he has accepted the offer. This will eventually lead to the design and construction
of a public water access on Lake O’Brien. There is currently a cabin on the site that needs to be either sold and moved off site or
demolished on site. That has not yet happened. So, although we have a site it won’t be ready for use for this spring or summer. Thanks
for checking, I hope you will notice some on-site progress this year
Thanks, Dave
David L. Clute
Assistant Area Supervisor
Minnesota DNR, Parks and Trails Division
1601 Minnesota Dr.
Brainerd, MN 56401
There was discussion regarding the launch and the invasive species threat. It was suggested that we request the DNR to: limit parking,
and include cleaning facilities in the design. The following questions were also asked:
1) What is the DNR process by step for completion of the access?
2) Will there be a public comment opportunity on the design?
3) Could the design details be shared with GOLA?
4) What actions are planned to prevent ongoing silt contamination from launching at the proposed site?
The board will draft a request to the DNR.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:35.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael L. Rancour