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General Meeting September 3, 2011
The meeting was called to order by Mike Rancour at 10:15. Officers in attendance were: Kathy Royce, Bob Mattson,
Dwight Seward and Mike Rancour. There were no new members or residents recognized. Thirty-eight members signed in.
Copies of the summer meeting minutes were available for review and have been posted to the website. The minutes
were approved as submitted.
Treasurer Dwight Seward reported a General Fund Checking Account balance of $4,448.68, a Fish Fund Savings Account balance
of $588.22, and Emergency Fund Savings Account Balance of $1,508.74. Balances are as of September 2, 2011. The 2011
contributions have been deposited in the General Fund and transfers to the Fish Fund and the Emergency Fund have not been
made yet. Transfers will be done before the end of the fiscal year.
The signature authority on the bank accounts is out of date. A motion to “ Remove Loyal Meech and Martin H. Peterson, and
to authorize Dwight Seward and Dan Radunz on the Consumer Checking #607648 (General Fund Checking), Savings Account #8011959
(Fish Fund), and Savings Account #8018632 (Emergency Fund) was made seconded and approved.
Fall elections were held. Kathy Royce was re-elected to the position of Goodrich Board Member. Kathy Royce was present and
agreed to serve. Dan Menden was elected to the position of O’Brien Board Member. Dan was not present and will be contacted
to determine if he will agree to serve. There were no nominations for O’Brien Co-Chair or Secretary. In lieu of a Secretary
Mike Rancour will document meeting minutes, lead the Spring Newletter effort, and attend to urgent Secretary duties as needed.
Mike Rancour reported that there have been some changes to the Crow Wing County zoning ordinance. Copies of a FAQ sheet were
available for members.
Bob Mattson reported that he had contacted a patrolman Swanson of the City of Crosslake regarding support
for a Neighborhood Watch Program. Even though the funding required is modest there are no funds available at this time.
Bob also reported that he inquired to Keith Anderson, Crosslake Fire Department Chief. Anderson reported that ambulance services
are divided out by Crosslake and Crosby ambulance companies by mutual agreement. Mike Rancour contacted Jon Borquist of the
Fairfield county board and Jon did not know how service areas were assigned but agreed to check into it. Results of his inquiry
were not available. There was a suggestion that GOLA send a letter to both companies and request that they look into how response
time for the portion of the GOLA area that is in Fairfield township.
O’Brien Fall Launch dates are Saturday, 9/3 at 1:00 pm and Saturday, 10/22 at 10:00 am. Mike Rancour sent an email to Dave Clute
of the DNR requesting an update on a new O’Brien Launch but did not receive a response. George Chuba also sent an email and received
a response. “The acquisition process could take up to another 12 months or more. Once that is complete a site design will have to be
developed by DNR engineering staff. Taking that into account, I don’t think you’d realize an operational Public Water Access for two years.”
Several members that responded to the Opportunity to Comment received a letter. It appeared that all responders received the same letter,
which will be posted to the GOLA website.
There was discussion about the potential new launch. The need for a launch was discussed as was the increased risk of invasive species.
It was noted that the conditions have changed since the Association last took a formal position on a launch. The last vote was widely
announced in advance. Notice that we are considering changing that position that should be widely announced in advance too. A motion to
have a special business meeting following the spring meeting social meeting was approved. This meeting will cover the position of GOLA
on a new launch and if a launch is constructed what GOLA should do to minimize the risk of invasive species. A notice of the special
meeting will be included in the spring newsletter to be mailed approximately 3 weeks before the meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved at 11:40. A potluck followed the meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Mike Rancour.