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General Meeting July 2, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Mike Rancour at 10:15

Officers in attendance were: Dan Radunz, Kathy Royce, Miles Johnson, Bob Mattson and Mike Rancour.

32 members signed in.

Copies of the Fall 2010 Meeting Minutes were available for members to review. The minutes were also posted to the GOAL website. A motion was made approve them as documented was made and seconded. The motion was approved by a voice vote.

There was discussion about the fall meeting. The number one option was to have support the Legion and attend the Legion Pork Chop Lunch after the fall meeting. If the pork chop lunch is not held then the association will have a pot luck. The association meeting will start at 10:30 and the pork chop lunch or pot luck to follow.

O’Brien Fall Launch dates are planned for Saturday, 9/3 at 1:00 pm and Saturday, 10/22 at 10:00 am. Approval for these dates will be requested from Fairfield Township.

Positions open at the Fall election are: Co-Chair O’Brien, Secretary, O’Brien board member (position now held by Bob Mattson), Goodrich board member (position now held by Kathy Royce). There was discussion about having a nominating committee but no volunteers for chairman or members were received.

Directories and results of the survey were available at the meeting for members to pick up. The plan was to mail out a summer newsletter in a few days.

There was discussion about ambulance service to the Fairfield County portion of the lakes. This area of the lakes is serviced from Crosby and response time can be considerably longer than the portions of the lakes area in Crosslake which are serviced by Crosslake. The possibility of annexation by Crosslake was mentioned. A concern about the difference in taxes was voiced. Mike Rancour took the action to talk to Fairfield county board about how ambulance service is awarded. Bob Mattson took the action to have the same discussion with the Crosslake City Administrator.

There was a motion to move the start time of the Spring and Summer meetings to 9:00 am. The motion was seconded and approved by a voice vote.

There was discussion about posting an electronic version of the directory on the website. The suggestion was made to consider and “opt in” option on the 2012 membership form and to investigate a password protected member’s portion on the website where directory information for member who opt in will be available.

Bob Mattson and Miles Johnson reported that lake water quality monitoring continues to be done and results are within historical ranges.

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved at 11:05.

Respectfully submitted by Mike Rancour.