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General Meeting September 4, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 10:08 by Mike Rancour.
New members present were Mike Story and Sara Walsh.
The Treasurer’s report was read and approved. The General Fund balance is $2,422.41. The Walter Israel Fish Fund Balance is $2,277.84.
The Emergency Fund Balance is $1,408.99.
Copies of the summer meeting minutes were available to members and posted to the website. The Summer Meeting Minutes were approved
without reading.
No one ran for the position of O’Brien Co-Chair, so the position remains vacant.
No one ran for the position of Secretary, so the position remains vacant.
George Chuba was elected to a two-year term as O’Brien board member
Miles Johnson was elected to a two-year term as Goodrich board member.
Old Business:
Fall launch dates are Sunday, 9/5 from 4:00 pm to 6:00pm and Saturday 10/16 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
A motion to pay Fairfield Township $200 for launch repair was made, was seconded and was approved by oral vote.
Surveys that went out with the newsletter are being tabulated. Members that hadn’t filled one out yet were encouraged
to use the forms available at the meeting and submit one.
New Business:
Errors were discovered in the directory. These will be corrected before distribution.
A member voiced a concern that the WAPOA 5k race registration implied that the GOLA would receive funds from the race,
but we haven’t received any in the past. A copy of the registration form wasn’t available at the meeting. Mike Rancour
took the action to obtain a form and follow up with WAPOA as needed.
Mike Rancour stated that an update from the DNR on the status of a new O’Brien launch had not been received.
A member stated that the public access sign for the Goodrich Launch was down again.
A member requested that the names of all paid up members be listed on the website. This will be investigated for 2011.
The situation with the potluck was discussed. The plan was to support the Legion and participate in the pork chop lunch.
However, the Legion pork chop lunch was cancelled mid-week, and there wasn’t time to organize the potluck. Plans for 2011
will be discussed in 2011 meetings.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved.
Submitted by Mike Rancour.