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General Meeting July 3, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Mike Rancour at 10:15.
Officers in attendance were: Dan Radunz, and Kathy Royce.
31 members signed in.
A motion to waive reading of the minutes and to approve them as they are posted on the
website was made by Dan Radunz and seconded by Paul Krueger. The motion was approved by
a voice vote.
The Treasurer’s report for the year ending 12/31/2009 was read.
Starting General Fund balance was $421.14
Debits were $2,401.77
Credits were $3,615.00 resulting in an ending balance of $1,625.37
Starting Emergency Fund balance was $2,674.20
Debits were $1,500.00
Credits were $234.33 for an ending balance of $1,408.53
Starting Walter Israel Fund balance was $1,446.15
Debits were $0.0
Credits were $830.94 for an ending balance of $2,277.09
A motion was made and seconded to approve the report. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
This year is Walter Israel Fund activity. Cost is typically $2,000.
It was reported that the registration form for the 5k race today sponsored by WAPOA listed
Goodrich as one of the lakes that would be stocked using proceeds from the race registration.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to have the board draft a letter to WAPOA asking
when e funds would be available and how much they would be.
There was no report from the Lakeshore Management Committee.
Elections for the fall were discussed. Positions up for election are: Treasurer
(currently held by Dan Radunz), Co-Chair Goodrich (currently held by Mike Rancour),
O’Brien Board Member (currently held by George Chuba), Goodrich Board Member (currently
held by Miles Johnson), in addition there are unfilled position open for Co-Chair O’Brien
and O’Brien board member.
Fall launch dates are: Sunday, September 5, 4:00 to 6:00 pm and
Saturday, October 16, 9:00 to 11:00 am.
Fall meeting is at 11:00 to be followed by the Legion Pork Chop lunch at 12:00. This is a
fund raiser for the Legion, members are encouraged to support the Legion and by a lunch.
A survey was available for members to complete on various GOLA items.
2010 Newsletters were available for members to pick up. They will be mailed to all Lakeshore
owners not in attendance.
The directory is planned to be available to pick up at the fall meeting.
Leah Chuba reported that the O’Brien launch needs repair. It is hard to get trailers out because
the surface has become uneven from tires spinning. A motion was made, second and approved to
investigate getting the launch repaired before the fall launch dates.
There was discussion about the legal requirement for Jet Ski’s to stop operation 1 hour before
sunset, and to operate 150 feet from shoreline. Fire rings should be at least 50 feet from the
lake. A suggestion was made to summarize the Lake Stewardship handbook published by Crow Wing
County and to include that in the newsletter mailing.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50.
Respectfully submitted by Mike Rancour.