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General Meeting July 11, 2009
Mike Rancour called the meeting to order at approximately 10:20 A.M.
Board members in attendance were Mike Rancour, Mike Flynn, Loyal Meech, Kathy Royce,
George Chuba and Bob Mattson. Absent was Dan Radunz.
Attendance was 42
Introduction of new members Gary and Lois Lindberg was made.
Loyal Meech gave the Treasurer’s Report for Dan Radunz.
GENERAL FUND $1,723.37
Income for 2009 to date is $2,465 and expenses since our September 2008 meeting have been $4,834.72.
Membership of eligible property owners to date is approximately 38% on O’Brien and 35% on Goodrich.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes for the 2008 Fall meeting as posted on the web site
rather than take the time to read them here.
Mike Rancour gave an update on the O’Brien Public Access. The appraisal is in the process and if approved
the work would begin in 2010. The DNR stated to not hold them to this as it may change.
Mike Flynn discussed Professional Lakes Management. The process has been delayed but should be available
for the Fall 2009 meeting. Neither O’Brien nor Goodrich was invasive weed species present.
Professional Lakes Management will do treatments for individual property owners for $5.67 per foot.
This treatment is an annual event. Property owners may treat one half the lakeshore frontages or 100 feet
whichever is less. Removing all weeds is NOT good and the best way to remove the weeds is to play volleyball
in the water. The DNR will not allow treatment of one half the lakeshores one year and the other half the next
year. Pat Selter will be at the September 5, 2009 meeting to answer questions and discuss recommendations.
There are grant funds available to harvest lake weeds and Pat will discuss all the alternatives available.
Non Phosphorus fertilizer should be used on lawns and a 30 foot buffer of natural vegetation between the water
line and the lawn should be kept.
Miles Johnson discussed the water testing and water clarity for our lakes. The WAPOA results will be published
on the GOLA web site. O’Brien is one of the top in the area and Goodrich is three notches back.
John Bjorkquist discussed Fairfield Township and the availability of cemetery plots in the new cemetery for
$250 for resident property owners and $450 for non residents. John also told of stimulus dollars which are
available to resurface County Road 36. Finally, John asked for a show of hands with regard to the issue of
banning ATV travel on county roads and right of ways. The majority were against the ban.
Bob Mattson discussed opportunities for all members to serve on committees to establish where we are going as
an organization. Bob indicated that one pound of phosphorus produces 100 pounds of weeds.
There were seven possible committees Bob foresaw:
1. Boat Launch for Lake O’Brien
2. Water Testing for Clarity
3. Lake Management Master Plan (Chemical v.s. Land Management)
4. Fish Stocking
5. History of Our Lakes for the Web Site
6. Beaver Management
7. Membership
There was a discussion on membership and the Why/Why not property owners joined.
There was a discussion on the GOLA web site.
At the September 5, 2009 meeting there will be a Pork Chop Bar-B-Que provided by the Legion at a cost
of $7.00 and attendees are encouraged to bring a dessert.
The O’Brien boat launch dates for the fall:
September 5 from 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
September 19 from 10:00 A.M. – Noon
At the Fall meeting there will be an election of four (4) officers:
Co Chair on O’Brien Mike Flynn does NOT wish to be re-elected
Secretary Loyal Meech does NOT wish to be re-elected
O’Brien member Bob Mattson does NOT wish to be re-elected
Goodrich member Kathy Royce is willing to run
New Business
A proposed change to the bylaws which would combine the Secretary and Treasurer position was discussed.
This would also create a new board member position which would be filled by a representative from the opposite
lake from which the new Secretary/Treasurer represented.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to revamp the bylaws to conform to the board makeup as discussed.
There was a comment made that in the past there had been a nomination committee for potential board members.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Loyal Meech