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General Meeting August 30, 2008
Mike Rancour called the meeting to order at approximately 12:45 P.M.
Board members in attendance were Mike Rancour, Loyal Meech, Dan Radunz,
Kathy Royce, Bob Mattson and George Chuba. Absent was Mike Flynn. Attendance
was 44.
Lynette Bourcy is our new Welcome person for the association. There were no
new members present.
Dan Radunz gave the Treasurer’s Report.
GENERAL FUND = $866.09
EMERGENCY FUND = $4,153.47
Income for the year was $915.94 and Expenses were $1234.30. Walter Israel fund
contributions were $845.00
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes for the July 2008
meeting as posted on the web site rather than take the time to read them here.
George Chuba was reelected to the Board as a Lake O’Brien representative.
Dan Radunz will fill the position of Treasurer until the July 2009 meeting when
the association will vote on combining the position of Secretary and Treasurer.
Mike Rancour was reelected as the co-chair from Goodrich Lake.
Miles Johnson was elected to the vacant board position from Goodrich Lake.
A discussion on the Lake O’Brien launch ramp centered on the need for volunteers
to man is site during launching and the fact that only four wheel drive vehicles
or tractors should attempt launches. No All Wheel Drive vehicles should attempt
launches as attempts with these types of vehicles have been unsuccessful in the
The need for greater membership was discussed. The association will make a greater
attempt to get property owners to join. There will be a drive in the spring in the
newsletter and all members should encourage their neighbors to join.
New Business
Next year rather than a potluck we will support the Legion with their Pork Chop
Barbecue. Meeting time will be 11:00 A.M. followed by the barbecue. Members are
still encouraged to bring desserts.
Art Vadnais discussed the Links for the Library golf tournament at Crosswoods Golf
Course on Sunday September 7, 2008. Cost is $30.00 and includes 9 holes of golf
including a golf cart and a meal as well as a chance for a hole in one prize of
$1000. Golfing begins at 2:00 P.M.
This is an even number year so a withdrawal will be made from the Walter Israel Fund
for this fall's activity.
A discussion of the Ordinary High Level Water Mark, the highest water level for
the last 100 years, FEMA regulations as relating to a flood plain, and the need
for flood insurance or exemption took place. Gary Staples brought this to the
attention of the board as the result of trying to obtain a reconstruction loan
for his property. All of Crosslake is in a flood plain and FEMA requires flood
insurance or exemption regardless of the elevation of your property. There is
no exception without a survey of your property.
Old Business
The weed assessment for both lakes has been done this summer. The second part
will be completed next spring. We hope to have the results for the July 2009
meeting. The total cost is $1500 this year and $1500 next. The funds are
available in the Emergency Fund.
A big thanks to Bob Mattson and Mike Flynn for all the work they have done with
the water level issue on Lake O’Brien. A petition was filed with the DNR to have
the lake level restored to 1234.8 feet elevation. The DNR contends it should be
at 1234.25 as established in 1938 when the dam was constructed.
All property
owners must be contacted concerning the petition. As of today there are two
property owners not yet contacted. They are Eric Hubbard and Pete Healy.
Mike Flynn will get a signature from Pete whose property is located at 35835
Red Pine Road. Eric is unable to be located. Two other property owners have
been contacted and one has not yet responded (Schreier) while the other has o
bjected to the petition (Joel). The Joel family has indicated they are party
to the retention of an attorney along with three other property owners down
stream from the dam. The association is in possession of an eight (8) page
letter from the attorney trying to discourage the association from pursuing
the petition.
Bob Mattson asked for the support of GOLA members for reasons to return the
lake level to it previous elevation. Bob has a significant number of valid
reasons and asked if others might be suggested. Bob and the board felt we
might need to retain legal help. We have exhausted a number of avenues to
resolve this issue including contacts with Representative Howes and Senator Olson.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed to authorize the board to retain an
attorney for a legal opinion. The cost was established at not to exceed $1000.
The funds are available in the Emergency Fund over and above the $3000 need to
pay for the lake weed assessments.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Loyal Meech