Goodrich & O’Brien Lakeshore Association
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General Meeting September, 2005

Mike Rancour called the meeting to order at approximately 12:55 P.M.

Board members in attendance were Mike Rancour, Mike Flynn, Loyal Meech, Arnie Berg, Kathy Royce, and Bob Mattson, Absent was George Chuba.

Mike Flynn introduced guest speaker Officer Eric Swanson of the Crosslake Police Department. Eric presented handouts and a talk on Burglary/Theft Protection.

New Members Paul Dorweiler and Emily Gorsegner were introduced.

Arnie Berg gave the treasurer’s report which was approved.

Loyal Meech read the minutes of the July 9, 2005 meeting which were approved.

Election of officers:
Co-chair on O’Brien: Mike Flynn was reelected
Secretary: Loyal Meech was reelected
Treasurer Arnie Berg was reelected
Board Member O’Brien Bob Mattson was reelected
Board Member Goodrich Kathy Royce was reelected
Vacant Board Member Goodrich No nominees

Later during the meeting Paul Dorweiler was nominated and elected to the Vacant Goodrich board member position.

A discussion on the Web site ensued:
Cost is $120.00 per year ($10.00 per month) Minutes of the meetings will be posted to the site There was a discussion about not posting the fact that we stock the lakes with walleyes There was a motion which passed to remove the word fish from the Walter Israel Fish Fund The recommendations of the WEB site committee to have a business and classified area was discussed. Businesses would pay $25 for a business membership which would then have a link to the WEB site of the business. A business membership would not have voting rights. The Classified section would not have a link but would be available for members to post classified ads. A motion passed to table the WEB site activities and refer them back to committee for further exploration.

Boat Launch for O’Brien:
Bob Mattson informed the members that Lowell Jaeger, Supervisor of the Brainerd Area Trails and Waterways. stated the proposed sited on the Forestry Trust Land was in a holding pattern. The estimated cost was over $500,000 to complete the public launch site. Local DNR is opposed to the site. The old site between the lakes will be open on September 17, 2005 from 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon. A budget crunch in the Crosslake Police Department does not provide for the overtime that is required to pay the police officer present at the site so only the time sited is available. The Lake Association needs to provide a member (s) to help at the site during the launch times and anyone intereste in volunteering should contact a board member.

Use of Personal Watercraft (Jet Skis) was discussed:
Per the law for PW the legal hours of operation are from 9:00 A.M. to one hour prior to sunset. It was suggested that the rules should be put in the news letter and on the WEB site. Also it was recommended that someone from the DNR should come to a future meeting to discuss watercraft safety.

Marty Peterson informed those in attendance that Jim Bendixson, a former member of the association, had recently passed away.

Julie Middelstadt won the award for the best food item at the potluck. It was noted that she also won last year’s award.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Loyal Meech