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General Meeting July 9, 2005

The meeting was called to order by Mike Rancour at approximately 10:05.

Officers in attendance: Mike Flynn, Mike Rancour, Arne Berg, Kathy Royce, and Bob Mattson.

Arne Berg announced that new property owners had joined the association. They are Mike and Collen Page on O達rien and Warren and Jennifer Wolfe also on O達rien.

A summary of the Sept 2004 minutes was read. The full minutes have been posted to the website. The minutes were approved.

Treasure痴 report was read and approved.
General Fund: $1,350.67
Emergency Fund: $3,397.23
Fish Fund: $2574.08

Arne also reported that we had reregistered with WOPA for $25.

Offices up for election at the September meeting were reviewed.

O達rien co-chair - Now held by Mike Flynn
Secretary - Open
Treasurer - Now held by Arne Berg
O達rien board position - Now held by Bob Mattson
Goodrich board positions - Now held by Kathy Royce
Goodrich board positions - Open

Discussion on where the Association should go. Current activities were reviewed: fish stocking, boat launching on O達rien, water testing, and the website.

There was discussion about making the website a more prominent communciation vehical. There was a concern raised regarding personal information on the website. There was a call for volunteers to serve on a website guidelines committee. Pat Mattson, Carol Larson, Mike Flynn and Mike Rancour volunteered to work on a proposal for website guidelines.

There was discussion on having speakers at future meetings. Suggestions included the DNR, and Sheriff departments.

There was discussion on increasing membership. Should a goal of 75% membership be established?

It was noted that there was a boat parade on O達rien at approximately 6:00 pm on July 4th. This was not an Association sponsored event, but many members participated and had a good time.

Discussion that the sign for the Association meetings should be put up Thursday.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:05

Respectfully submitted by Mike Rancour.