Goodrich & O’Brien Lakeshore Association
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O’Brien Launch
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General Meeting and Potluck - September 11, 2004

Meeting called to order by Co-chair Maureen Durand around 1pm.

Officers attending were:
Co-chairs, Maureen Durand and Mike Rancour
Treasurer, Arnie Berg
Secretary, Peg Boog

Minutes from last meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Treasurer’s report:
General Fund: $1,184.00
Emergency Fund: $3,403.57
Fish Fund: $3,519.80

Stocking lakes next month was approved.

Election of officers:
Bob Nuffer declined his nomination to the board.
Mike Rancour - accepted nomination and was elected.
Mike Flynn - accepted nomination and was elected.
Secretary position still open.
O’Brien Lake - George Chuba accepted 2 year board member position and was elected.
O’Brien Lake - 1-year position open.
Goodrich Lake - 2 year position still open

Goodrich Fish Limits
Miles Johnson discussed Goodrich’s fish limitation and suggested concerned home owners to write to the DNR. Maureen explained that Larry Howe (DNR employee) has many connections and helps determine the budget for the State of MN.

Water Testing
No testing done in Aug. per Miles Johnson.
Bob Mattson & Arnie Berg tested on O$#8217Brien Lake. Clarity was reduced to one-half of what it was.

New Business
Arnie Berg is updated the associations address book and is requesting volunteers to help call home owners and get updated information. The goal is to print and distribute in January.

History Project
Maureen asked for volunteers for the History of the Lake Committee. Pam Hagley volunteered.

New Members
If you know of any new owners, please contact Mary Berg.

O’Brien Launch
Bob Mattson motioned to withdraw his motion, from the July 2004 meeting, regarding the proposed DNR launch site O’Brien. The motion to withdraw was seconded and approved.

Open Board Position
Bob Mattson volunteered to fill the 1-yr board position for O’Brien.

Note: Since the meeting the board has considered Bob Mattson’s offer and has appointed him to fill the O’Brien board member position until September 2005.